Monday, 31 March 2014

Hitachi Power Europe won tender for construction of the power plant in Turow

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The tender for the construction of the power-plant in Turow has been won by the consortium led by Hitachi Power Europe.

Monday, 24 March 2014

National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management encourages to invest in RES on small scale

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Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Srodowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej (National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management) has announced on March 4,2014 that the “Prosument Program” has been approved. More about the program on the following page.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Polish Transmission System - information

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This article aims to introduce the readers to the Polish Transmission System and provide reliable information about the Polish TSO called Polskie Sieci Elektoenergetyczne /PSE/ (eng.: Polish Electric Network).

Monday, 17 March 2014

RWE to sell one of the resources exploration companies in Poland

No comments : has informed that German Energy concern RWE plans to sell its sub-company responsible for the exploration of oil and gas. The company has concession for exploration of resources in Poland as well.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Polish plans regarding import of gas

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Robert Lidke, the reporter of Polish Radio, has written very interesting article on international (European) arena of gas. It has been said that the idea of ​​the creation of the EU's gas policy towards Russia has no chance of success. Different scenarios, such as import of gas from Qatar or the United States of America are not economically sufficient to be considered.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Poland will invest 23 million zlotys in development of the electricity transmission network

No comments : informs about the statement Minister of Economy has made – it is planned that until 2025 Poland will spend close to 23 million zlotys (roughly 4,5 million euro) for the extension of electricity transmission networks. Such steps taken should ensure country’s energy security and lack of the dependence on other countries.

Friday, 7 March 2014

2020: Poland will set the first offshore wind power plant

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As reports National Polish Radio, in 2020 Poland will set the first offshore wind power plant. Experts predict that by 2030 this branch of energy sector will note fast development in Poland. Such investment does not only provide clean energy (energy that does not produce pollutants as a side product) but also creates new jobs and infrastructure.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Nuclear Power Plant to be located in Gaski

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Despite numerous protests, another nuclear power plant has been approved by the vice minister of Infrastructure and Development Elzbieta Bienkowska. As informs the daily newspaper ' Nasz Dziennik ', it is not the final point in this discussion. It is still possible to undermine the decision of the Ministry and appeal to the county' administrative court. However, that would mean that until the final settlement between the interested parties, the investments would need to remain "frozen" in the area where the plant is to be constructed.

GPI is now available!

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From February 27, 2014 new internet platform – Gieldowa Platforma Informacyjna ( Stock Market Information Platform) has been opened in order to provide reliable information regarding the electricity market in Poland. The platform is available under: and has been launched by the Polish Power Exchange. Website is available in Polish and English.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

PGNiG: financial statement, IV quarter 2014

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According to the information published by Wirtualna Polska PGNiG  had 161 million net loss in the fourth quarter of 2013 attributable to shareholders of the parent company. Meanwhile, the market consensus assumed a profit of 755 million .
PGNiG reported that the level of net profit in 2013 was caused by significantly high crude oil production from the mine Lubiatów and the Skarv on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

European Commission verifies if competition has not been violated in Polish energy sector

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   On February 20,2014 European Commission took steps to verify if Polish energy companies (PGE, Tauron, Enea, Energa and PAK) did not receive state aid. They are particularly interested if two types of electricity generators from RES are not unlawfully subsidized, to be precise: power plants using combined technology of waste and coal combustion as well as old hydro power plants.

Monday, 3 March 2014

PGNiG : new strategies of development

No comments : : Centrum Informacji o Rynku Energii (the Information Centre of Energy Market) has published very interesting commentary of Andrzej Szczęśniak, the expert in the field of energy, on the changed in the steering committee of PGNiG.
Together with changing of the steering committee, the strategy of the group has changed. It has been observed that less money is being invested in the outsourcing and more into the storage. Szczęśniak estimates that the shift that took place this year, towards more investments in infrastructure, is a good decision of the company and of strategic significance. By improving the quality of the gas network, PGNiG should increase sales, although the change will be noticeable the next year or in two years.

Lotos Group & PKN Orlen are lowering wholesale prices of gasoline and diesel

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According to the information retrieved at, Lotos Group and PKN Orlen are lowering wholesale prices of gasoline and diesel. For the customers it means around 7 grosze less to the previous prices. In the same time, companies are highlighting that the adjustment to the new price of the prices at the petrol station, are individual decision of their owners.