Friday, 7 March 2014

2020: Poland will set the first offshore wind power plant

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As reports National Polish Radio, in 2020 Poland will set the first offshore wind power plant. Experts predict that by 2030 this branch of energy sector will note fast development in Poland. Such investment does not only provide clean energy (energy that does not produce pollutants as a side product) but also creates new jobs and infrastructure.
Furthermore, it is rather sure that Poland is not going to meet the requirements imposed on the members states of the European Union (by 2020, the consumption of electricity should drop by 20 %, energy efficiency should increase by 20 % and the share of production of energy from RES should be equal or above 20 %). Consequently, the national plan has to evaluate such investments in the sector that will  disqualify the possibility of blackout (the cut in electricity supply).

According to the Ministry of Economy, by 2020 coal consumption (coal is the main source of electricity production at the moment) in Poland will fall up to 60 per cent of the current state. Usage of other energy carriers will consequently need to grow – most likely petroleum products, by around 11 per cent and natural gas by the same value. It is predicted that RES will grow by 40.5 %. Since the electricity demand will increase by roughly 18 % in comparison to current state, it is necessary to ensure the appropriate levels of energy production. Energy efficiency also need to increase, but it is still ongoing process and needs further development.


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