Thursday, 6 March 2014

GPI is now available!

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From February 27, 2014 new internet platform – Gieldowa Platforma Informacyjna ( Stock Market Information Platform) has been opened in order to provide reliable information regarding the electricity market in Poland. The platform is available under: and has been launched by the Polish Power Exchange. Website is available in Polish and English.
Stock Market Information Platform consists of three main parts: information  regarding obligations of REMIT, the power system (including generation, the demand for electricity, plans renovations capacities), and data exchange. The primary objective of the GPI is to provide a transparent, timely information that will help market participants in making trading decisions.

The system is of a crucial significance to those participating in the electricity exchange. The platform provides reliable information regarding the load and the demand of electricity at each hour of the day. Thanks to this information, it is possible to better program the schedule of the production of a power plant, as well as observe behavior of the market (that enables the TSO to identify critical days/hours in the system).

The website is still in the development, consequently the information available at the moment are not very extended. It is worth appreciation in the same time, as the liberalization of the power market in Poland is a new process that needs constant adjustments and improvements. GPI platform is the first step to provide reliable, clear information collected in one database.



Gieldowa Platforma Informacyjna (GPI): :

REMIT : general info

(official information from the website of ACER: EU Agency for the cooperation of Energy Regulators)

In 2011, the EU adopted new stringent rules on wholesale energy trading. The main objective is to prevent use of insider information and other forms of market abuse which distort wholesale energy prices and normally mean that businesses and consumers pay more for their energy than they need. For the first time energy trading will be screened at EU level to uncover abuses. This screening will be done by ACER. National authorities in Member States will put in place penalties to help stop and prevent market manipulation.

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