Sunday, 7 December 2014

There is no danger of gamma radiation in Poland

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Spokesperson of the Polish National Nuclear Agency calms the public, stating that there is absolutely no danger in gamma radiation in Poland. The media raised the issue of radioactivity after information of problems faced by nuclear power generation unit in Ukraine, located approx. 700 km from Polish border.

On December 3, 2014 media informed about the incident in the nuclear power plant on Ukraine, located approx. 700 km from the Polish border. According to the information Polish National Nuclear Energy Agency collect from the Ukrainian nuclear regulatory authority, there had been problems with the turbine and power generator at the production block, which had to be turned off (this has resulted in the need to keep the entire block, including the nuclear reactor itself).

Malfunction occurred outside the reactor building and was not accompanied by any release of radioactive substances into the environment.

The media were very concerned about the eventual pollution and contamination on the Polish side. Groundlessly, as shows the official statement of Polish National Nuclear Energy Agency.

"There is absolutely no danger" – stressed Monika KaczyƄska, spokesperson of PNNEA. The official communicate states that “(…) radiation level in Poland does not deviate from the norm; rumors about the alleged radioactive contamination after fault in a nuclear power plant in Ukraine does not have any basis”.

Radiation level in Poland is constantly monitored by the Center for Radiation Emergencies. Based on data from the stations for early detection of radioactive contamination, agency decides upon eventual next steps. At the moment, the radiation is not posing any danger to human beings.

After clicking the link below (communication), it is possible to see a map of the distribution of gamma radiation in Poland. Map is updated every 24 hours.

Map of gamma radiation in Poland ( updated Dec 7,2014) 

Website of the Polish National Nuclear Energy Agency (PNNEA):

Communication (and map of radiation level):


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