Monday, 8 December 2014

No economic foundation for further investments in RES in Poland, according to RWE's CEO

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At the beginning of October, representatives of German energy concern RWE were trying to convince deputies from Polish government to stop subsidizing renewable energy and “let” the technology defend itself with its competitiveness on the market.

Filip Thon, CEO of RWE Poland presented to the parliamentary committee a case study "Scenarios for the development of technologies in the Polish energy market by 2050”. The report, which had its premiere in September at the Economic Forum in Krynica, analyzes possible and those already existing technologies that can be crucial for the development of the energy sector in Poland.

Study prepared by the group of experts responsible for innovation, created on the basis of the experience gained by RWE in Poland and in other European markets, where the company generated 216.7 TWh of electricity (in 2013). The report aims to analyze the key technologies that can determine the pace of development of the sector and to present their development calendar 2050.

In the relation to the report, the CEO of RWE Poland questioned the financial sense of investing in wind energy, which turned out to be very expensive and inefficient in Poland to the point, that there would not be economical sense in their construction without subsidies. As for nuclear power, it should be taken into consideration but after 2040. Introduction of this technology earlier would cause too rapid increase of the electricity price.

"Nasz dziennik", one of the most popular Polish newspapers, writes that part of the members of the government addressed the critical point of view presented by RWE, some were against the opinion.

To read the full version of the report, please visit:

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