Wednesday, 24 December 2014

New agreement on the gas supply for the Swinoujscie LNG terminal

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The agreement reached by the Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) and Qatargas, postponing the date for LNG supplies PGNiG, is beneficial from the point of view of country’s energy security. New agreement strongly reduces the risk of the costs related to PGNiG’s missed loads.

New agreement is constructed in a way that, is said, satisfied both sides. Polish will cover the price difference that Qatargas will be influenced by, due to the fact that they need to sell contracted gas on the wholesale market. The volumes that have been recorded in a 20-year contract still apply but the current contract has been adjusted for greater flexibility in its implementation. "This amended contract explicitly removes the pressure of time from issues related to finalizing works in construction of the terminal, which require special care and reliability" said Minister of Treasury portal - Wlodzimierz Karpinski. This comfort definitely improves Polish energy security.

Under the agreement, which was concluded 6 years ago, starting from the second half of 2014 PGNiG was supposed to receive liquefied natural gas from Qatargas at the Swinoujscie LNG terminal. The contracted amount equaled to 1 million tons or approx. 1.5 billion m3 of LNG per year. Signed contract included penalties for the missed loadings, caused by the Polish counterparty, therefore the agreement significantly reduced the costs PGNiG has to bear due to the delay in construction of the terminal.

LNG terminal in Swinoujscie was designed to ensure greater independence of gas supplies from Russia. However, its construction has stalled. The original date for finishing the construction was supposed to be June 30,2014 but it seems that the terminal will not be ready to use this year.

The detailed information about LNG Terminal has been described in a note few months ago, in relation to another Eastern European LNG construction:



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