Monday, 16 February 2015

Poland might be given 1 billion euro fine, due to the high levels of air pollution

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Poland is facing a threat of 1 billion euro penalty from the EU for its levels of air pollution. Poland, for years, has been having the most polluted air in the EU. In many cities, the concentration of toxic and carcinogenic substances - of PM10 and benzo-pyrene exceeds legal limits a few times. 

To be precise, the penalty will be applied to the country due to failure to comply with EU standards for air quality. The concentration of harmful dust exceeds acceptable level in the air of most Polish cities, endangering the health of residents.

The European Commission has sent a second reminder to the Polish government on the matters of quality of air. Iris Petsa, a spokeswoman for the Environment Committee indicated in their opinion that weaknesses are continuous, and, even worse, Poland is not doing anything to eliminate them. Now Poland will have two months to implement binding actions to improve air quality in the Polish cities.

However, if the EU Court of Justice finds that the actions taken by Poland are insufficient, the country might face the penalt which would be calculated  since 2004. In total, it could amount to about 4 billion złoty (approx. 1 billion euro).

Similar action has be taken by the European Commission against 15 other countries. However, for example, in Sweden, which also worried Brussels, air quality standards are exceeded only in Stockholm, on one shopping street – said Malgorzata Smolak, from the foundation of ClientEarth, in the interview with “Gazeta Wyborcza”.

The problem of air pollution in Poland is present in most of the cities and the worst situation is in the towns located in the mountain valleys. It is estimated  that  2.5 million Poles suffer from chronic lung diseases due to the low air quality.

If you are interested to see the real-time air pollution in Poland, I encourage to visit the portal with the publications of the measurements, available after clicking the link:

Read more:,143682,17413391,Polska_sie_dusi.html?biznes=wroclaw#BoxBizImg


IMPORTANT! The picture does not show the situation in Poland – it is China – I do not want to be misleading.

In the same time, it is important to remember that we are just a few steps away from facing similar problems.

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