Saturday, 15 November 2014

Additional 17.5 million zloty for the development of power generation from RES

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Small municipalities will be on the scope of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The ministry announced that financial resources not used in previous years will be available from 2015 on ( 17.5 million zloty ) to be dedicated to the development of village areas. The main area of support will be power generation from RES, on the small, household-friendly scale.

The grants are dedicated to be helping municipalities, rather than individual household. It is desirable to grant projects in each one of 16 Polish provinces. The remaining funds will be distributed based on already received help.

The beneficiary ( municipality) will be able to allocate appropriations (up to 90% of the investment) for the purchase of equipment for the production of energy from renewable sources and their assembly. The municipality will also be able to allocate aid to finance the installation of renewable energy on properties belonging to individuals. The maximum amount of the refund is determined at the level of the minimum aid granted to entrepreneurs for investment in performing services of general economic interest, equal to  500 000 euro.

The proposed changes ( reallocation of not used resources) in the operation of "Basic services for the economy and rural population" has been adopted by the Monitoring Committee of the Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013 at its meeting on September 9, 2014.  Currently, the proposal has been forwarded to the European Commission with the question for approval.


Official website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development:

(small wind turbine to be installed in the backyard)

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