Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Gas shale exploration in Poland under big quesition mark

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Exploration of shale gas in Poland was supposed to give the country economic boost and independence from Russian gas. Unfortunately, it seems that this plan might not be possible to be fulfilled. Due to the long administrative procedures, as well as not satisfactory results after exploratory drillings, companies are resigning from the further assessment.  

3Legs Resources, company who decided to get involved in shale gas exploration in Poland as the first one and who pursued the most advanced exploration, has announced last month the withdrawal from further exploration work, basing its decision on poor performance of the exploratory drilling in Lublewo. During the test conducted, gas reservoir proved to yield 11.2 cubic meters of gas per day and 157 barrels of light crude oil. Such result gave the resource the possibility to cover only 30 percent of  what is necessary for commercial production, as said by Pawel Poprawa, geologist from  University of Science and Technology in Krakow quoted by onet.pl.

Portal GasLupkowy.pl (internet platform dedicated to information on shale gas) points out that one of the biggest obstacles in exploration of shale gas, in Poland, is bureaucracy. Previously quoted Pawel Poprawa, sums the situation up as “lack of experience, flexibility, knowledge of the industry which imposes stifling initiative process”.

Poland, often compared to the United States who became one of the biggest gas exporters (according to the American Ministry of Economics) has authorization procedures massively simplified. To give an example: awarding concession in Pennsylvania takes 45 days while in Poland around eight months.

What is surprising, I retrieved some articles from the beginning of 2014 which had predicted things to go in polar opposite. According to specialist ( here quoted specialist of fuels’ market, Andrzej Szczesniak), the approach taken by then-governing cabinet was “too-rapid” and “anti-economic”. According to Szczesniak, the receival of concession for exploration and further sale of gas was happening too fast – therefore only foreign companies could afford such operations. Reading this article 10 months later seems almost surrealistic – as the companies who are actually withdrawing from the investments are those who specialists feared the most. PGE (Polska Grupa Energetyczna) is still very active in exploratory drills and still pursues research.
It is very important to remember that profitability of the investment can be perceived by companies diffrently. For foreign investors is ROI and eventual gains but for Polish companies and Polish government, it is preliminarly energy independence and possibility of export of this resource abroad. Poland pays the highest price for gas (from Russia) in Europe, therefore further research in the field of shale gas can be a strategic decision which might bring positive aspects for decades.

The map below presents the given authorizations for the exploratory activities (concession), state of December 2011.

The more detailed article on shale gas in Poland can be found here: http://polish-energy-blog.blogspot.it/2014/06/shale-gas-in-poland.html

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Map of concessions (2011): http://gazlupkowy.pl/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Mapa-koncesji-na-poszukiwanie-rozpoznawanie-oraz-wydobywanie-ropy-naftowej-gazu-ziemnego-i-metanu-1-grudzie%C5%84-2011.jpg

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