Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Rescue plan for Kompania Weglowa

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Poland has long tradition of coal mining, thanks to the large layers of coal on the south-west of the country (especially in the region of Silesia). After necessary restructuring in the sector, Kompania Weglowa has been founded. At the moment, it is the biggest coal mining company in Europe, employing 55 thousand people and extracting approx. 40 mln tons of coal annually. The company has been facing financial difficulties, therefore there have been taken steps towards drafting reasonable recovery plan for the firm.

Kompania Weglowa was founded in 2003 in place of the deaths of five Mining Companies: Rybnik, Bytom, Nadwislanska, Rudzka and Gliwice. The headquarters are located in Katowice,the heart of Silesia, region widely known for the coal mining tradition. Company currently hires in total around 55 thousand people.

From 2012 the amount of extracted coal was decreasing, but year 2014 brought significantly worse financial situation. The mines dumps are stocked with more than 5 million tons of coal. Despite having the stock full, the company cannot sell them. As the CEO Miroslaw Taras points out in the interview with Gfazeta Wyborcza: “At the moment, at least five mines are currently full. (…) In addition, sales of coal from the piles is not possible, because of debts which are covered by the pledge”.
Headquarters of Kompania Weglowa in Katowice

In order to find a way out of this difficult situation, extensive discussion are taking place from June 2014. Miroslaw Taras has already presented the outline of the rescue plan for the company. He strongly highlighted that there is no deceleration miners and mine closings. Instead, weaker mines (in terms of production) will limit extraction and the people and equipment so far involved in those mines will be transferred to plants with the best performance.

The only problem, except agreement of all the parties upon changes to be implemented: the board of directors as well as employees,  might be the cost of restructuring. It is still not clear who is supposed to bear the costs – Kompania Weglowa expects help from the government, while the government is expecting KW to self-finance such changes. The problem was pointed out by Taras in the, already mentioned, interview with Gazeta Wyborcza.

At the beginning of September, Polish Radio reported that public consultation has been opened for the rescue plan for 2014-2020. As stated before, the company wants to maximally preserve the employees and avoid firing people as much as possible. What might be beneficial is the sale of several mines - and the implementation of restructuring programs for individual companies. The Board of Directors also wants to rationalize employment and "make real" cost of wages and non-wage benefits. They have to be adapted to the market situation and the possibility of economic situation of Kompania Weglowa. The Company intends to increase sales revenue by improving the quality and average prices of coal. The plan also envisages changes in the organizational structure of the company and its group.

The labour unions do not support the current plans for restructuring. In the same time, it seems to be pretty reasonable plan for saving the company, without firing people. Kompania Weglowa seems to understand the difficulty of the market (and very high possibility that the fired miners won’t be able to find job anywhere else) and be responsible towards their employees. In the same time, the company has to be driven towards generating profit – if they don’t want to fire anyone, the employees have to be aware of lowering the wages.

As soon as new information arise, it will be reported on this blog.

Based on:,75248,16145207,Sytuacja_w_Kompanii_Weglowej_coraz_bardziej_dramatyczna_.html


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