Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Change of the management of rivers will imply charges on energy sector

In recent days, the final project of re-writing the water law (so called consultation) has been closed, said vice minister of Environment, Stanisław Gawłowski, during discussion with Polish Press Agency. New law should be in force from the beginning of 2015.

In recent days, the final project of re-writing the water law (so called consultation) has been closed, said vice minister of Environment, Stanisław Gawłowski, during discussion with Polish Press Agency. New law should be in force from the beginning of 2015.
According to the new law , energy companies benefiting from the rivers will need to pay for it . From such fees, energy companies that use water for production of electricity are currently exempt from paying. The largest companies already incur such charges, but they are the result of contracts rather than legislative order.
The consultation process has not yet determined the amount of fees . There are different concepts - for example, the fee depends on the generating capacity or a fraction of a penny from a cubic meter of water used .

The amendment also affect farmers or farmers who irrigate their fields , using the resources of the river.

The new law is also to be an administrative revolution in the management of waters in Poland.
Environment Ministry wants to introduce a new philosophy: one river - one manager . This is to improve water management and adequate infrastructure , such as flood embankments . Today, it often happens that different institutions manage shafts , inter- and riverbed .
Most rivers in Poland are basins of two main rivers: Wisla (the biggest and longest Polish river) and Odra. Picture below illustrates the split between two basins with green colour indicating basin of Wisla and orange – Odra’s.


  1. How many percentage does Hydroelectricity take from the total energy in Poland?and how many by other resources?

  2. It is hard to specify what exact percentage hydro power contributes to the total electricity production in Poland - it is said that around 4 % of all renewable energy sources is produced in Poland, except biomass (you can find more detailed information in http://polish-energy-blog.blogspot.it/p/essentials.html)

    Please bear in mind that hydropower plant will not have to pay the fee. During process of production of electricity, water in being used as one of the components, for example in the CCGT technology (combined cycle gas turbine) that uses steam. Very often those power plants use river water to avoid costs from the municipality for water provision - those operations now will have the fee


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