Wednesday, 30 April 2014

The government plenipotentiary for nuclear power resgined

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The Ministry of Economy has announced that the government plenipotentiary for nuclear power - Hanna Trojanowska - resigned from the position.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Interview with Halina Pupacz, head of Polish Chamber of Liquid Fuels

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Zdzislaw Pisinski, reporter of has conducted the interview with Halina Pupacz , head of the Polish Chamber of Liquid Fuels. The circumstances for the interview were international trade fairs “Stacja Paliw” ( eng.: petrol station) organized by the office, which are going to take place May 14-16, 2014 in the Warsaw’s Expo XXI Centre.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Situation on Ukraine might influence Polish gas supply

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As the New York Times and the Polish Radio informed today, many countries have decided to take decision in supplying Ukraine with the gas (reversing the direction of the pipeline, consequently), Poland might face problems with the gas supply.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Poland vs. RES and the rest of Europe

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Situation  in Europe regarding the development of energy technologies concentrates pretty much on the development of smart grid (the network of transmission grid which enables not only consumption of electricity but inserting domestically produced energy from small RES power plants, such as solar panels) and improvement of already existing renewables’ technologies. It seems (I can base my judgment based on my observation and my reasoning) that Poland has taken absolutely different strategy and , despite the negative impression at the first sight, very wise one.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Components of the Fuel Price

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We all know that price of 1 liter of gasoline does not really reflect the real price of fuel. POPiHN (Polska Organizacja Przemyslu I Handlu Naftowego; eng.: Polish Organization of Oil Industry and Trade) published very interesting graph presenting the real components of the prices of three most popular fuels.

500 petrol stations out of the market

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Due to the change of law imposing higher environmental standards on the petrol stations, it is said that around 500 stations will vanish from the market.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Change of the management of rivers will imply charges on energy sector

In recent days, the final project of re-writing the water law (so called consultation) has been closed, said vice minister of Environment, Stanisław Gawłowski, during discussion with Polish Press Agency. New law should be in force from the beginning of 2015.