Thursday, 26 March 2015

The effect of solar eclipse on the PV panels

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Laboratory Photovoltaic Solar Lab RWE AGH, operating at the Faculty of Energy and Fuels AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, examined the effect of solar eclipse on the operation of the PV system. Test included examination of influence of solar eclipse on 40 different PV panels.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Energy - commonly raised issue during presidential campaign

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Upcoming presidential election ( May 10,2015 ) initiated the candidates for the presentation of their programs. The issue of energy independence and recent discussions regarding EU climate package, are those commonly raised.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Influence of EU climate package on Polish energy independence from Russia

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“Gazeta Bankowa” – one of the most influential and, in the same time, the oldest economic newspaper in Poland, has published very interesting article about the influence of EU’s environmental protection (climate package) guidelines on the Polish energy independence from Russia.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Delays of the construction of LNG terminal in Swinoujscie

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The LNG terminal, which is being constructed in Swinoujscie, has been closely examined by the Supreme Chamber of Control ( in Polish: Najwyzsza Izba Kontroli, NIK). NIK has been preparing report on the emerging strategic investment in Swinoujscie, which seem to not be very positive. Inspectors note that the LNG terminal has not been put to use, yet and the plan for its opening is constantly rescheduled:  from the end of June last year, as originally planned, to the end of 2014, as it was written in the annex to the new agreement. Currently, the terminal is still not in use. Due to all those factors, there is a high risk of loss of EU subsidies for the construction of this terminal.