Monday, 28 July 2014

Group electricity purchase can lower electricity bill to the municipalities

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Szczecin introduced revolutionary solution for the supply of electrcity for institutions of public good. Schools, theaters, museums and hospitals plan to buy electricity as a group (and then dispatch it according to the needs) with hope to lower electricity bill.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

New gas pipeline connecting Poland and Germany?

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It is said that in 2018 there is a real possibility of building the pipeline connecting Germany and Poland : between Bernau and Szczecin. 85 % of the pipeline will be on the territory of Germany.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Leakage of mazut in Kozienice power plant

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About 9 tons of mazut (by-product of distillation of petroleum) leaked from the Kozienice power plant ( located in the centre of Poland) on July 16,2014. Efficiently carried out emergency plan stopped the fuel from running out to Wisla, Polish biggest river. Power Plant is located on the left bank of Wisla, 75 km south of Warsaw, Poland’s capital. It is the largest domestic producer of electricity using its coal production ( production capacity equal to 2880 MW).

Friday, 11 July 2014

Poland to face fine from ECJ?

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As Reuters reports, Poland (and many other European countries) will face the fining from ECJ due to the failing to implement EU law on making buildings more energy-efficient. Poland threatens a financial penalty of € 96 720 for each day of failure in implementation of the law.

Monday, 7 July 2014

new legislation on energy efficiency

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The consultation regarding the new law on energy efficiency has been recently opened. The plan of the law includes four main points of the discussion: national plan of development, tasks to be performed by public sector, design of the support/incentivisation plan  and the system of audits. Thanks to those changes, Polish law will be more homogenous with the European legislation and goals which Poland also signed up to (20-20-20).

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

no chance for cheap electricity in Poland?

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According to Warszawski Instytut StudiĆ³w Ekonomicznych (Warsaw’s Institute on Economic Sciences), the possibility of cheaper electricity in Poland has vanished from the picture. Due to the necessary investments the whole system needs to go through, current price ( which is now about 165 zloty per 1 MWh ) in 2030 could reach 370 zloty/MWh.