Friday, 27 June 2014

Sanok plans to save energy by replacing street lights

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Sanok, town in south/east Poland  (close to the border with Slovakia and Ukraine) can save even one million zloty a year as a result of the new initiative of changing city lights.
It is one of the first projects like that in Poland.

Agnieszka Fraczek, the spokesperson of Sanok’s administration, said that almost 1.200 old street lamps will be replaced with the new ones, produced using technology that will help save energy (most likely LED). Despite the high costs of the instalment (partially founded by the credit, partially founded by the ministry), it has been calculated that in the long-term perspective, city can save around one million zloty from the budget that so far has been spend on the lights.
The reason driving such decision was continuously increasing bill that city has been paying for the conservation and repairing of the currently serving lightening system above high electricity bills for keeping the lights on during whole night. In smaller municipalities, in recent years it became frequent that the street lights are switched off during the period in the night of the smallest activity of inhabitants. Sanok wanted to avoid this solution, as it causes feeling of danger among residents. 
Similar solutions has been chosen by Los Angeles (USA), where LED solution has been chosen. It has been proved that the change generated $5,325,793 in annual electricity savings  and 63.3% electricity savings over the incumbent high-pressure sodium (HPS) street lights. Similar project is planned to be incorporated in Glasgow (the UK).
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