Thursday, 17 December 2015

Polish Power Exchange introduced future contracts for electricity (+ description of a standard contract)

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At the beginning of November (2015), Polish Power Exchange ( in Polish: Towarowa Gielda Energii, TGE) introduced trading of futures contracts for electricity. The introduction of future contracts to the Polish Power Exchange was based on the decision of Ministry of Finance from February 23, 2015 which authorized trading derivatives on commodities on the Market in Financial Instruments ( Polish: MiFID), which will be run by the Power Exchange.

Monday, 14 December 2015

First LNG delivery to Swinoujscie terminal

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Al Nuaman: ship delivering LNG to Swinoujscie terminal 

Construction of LNG terminal in Swinoujscie is one of the largest investments in Polish energy sector in the country’s recent history. LNG terminal has been built with the purpose to diversify natural gas supplies in Poland and giving the state an opportunity to receive price-competitive gas from the Middle East. Now, after 10 years of research, planning and construction, Poland has received the first delivery of liquefied gas from Qatar.

The project of construction of LNG terminal in Swinoujscie lasted for nearly 10 years and cost more than 2.5 billion złoty ( approx. 700 million euro). The first delivery of LNG took place in the morning of 11 December,2015. The tanker called ‘Al-Nuaman’ has delivered 120 billion scm of gas, at the moment dedicated to the number of tests/preliminary operations that the terminal has to go through (cooling and system start-up of installation). The second delivery of liquefied gas to Swinoujscie, for further operational tests, will be carried out in the first quarter of 2016.

Route that Al Nuaman took from Qatar to Poland

The ship, Al Nuaman, got its own fame in Poland and earned many media coverages, due to its “historical mission”. Al Nuaman is 315 meters long and 50 meters wide. It was built in 2009 in the shipyard Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering in South Korea. Q-Flex, the technology used on the ship, works as if the ship was a giant thermos, in which gas is transported at a temperature of minus 160 degrees Celsius (this is the boiling point of methane, the main component of the LNG). The ship's crew is 25-35 people, consisting mainly of highly trained officers.

Swinoujscie LNG Terminal – investment of a strategic importance  

The terminal is a very important object for Polish energy security – thanks to its construction, it will be possible to diversify gas supply and receive the raw material from many, at the moment unreachable, countries who are offering competitive price (Middle Eastern countries, USA or Canada). The initial regasification capacity of the terminal is equal to 5 billion scm per annum and will correspond to one-third of Polish demand for natural gas. It is taken into consideration that in the following years the facility will expand its capacity to 7.5 billion cubic meters a year.

The terminal will not only diversify and secure national gas supply but it might give Poland an opportunity for further gas trading. Poland could resell delivered gas to the neighbouring states. It is estimated that the terminal will be capable of receiving approx. 40 deliveries a year (covering up to 50 % of Polish gas demand), therefore, with the developed pipeline network, re-selling could be more than possible.

In Poland, at the moment, the dominant entity responsible for the purchase and sale of natural gas was PGNiG (Polish Oil and Gas Group). The company covers about 30 percent of domestic gas demand. The rest of the demand is covered by the import, mainly from Russia (Gazprom). After the collapse of the Soviet Union, satellite states (including Poland, as a country that was strongly influenced by USSR trade, even if not part of the union) were not able to bring to the diversification of gas supplies from the direction other than the East.  As a result, central/eastern part of Europe is still characterized by a hermetic historical system of gas transmission pipelines.

The situation has started to change with the construction of the LNG terminal in Swinoujscie and the floating LNG storage and regasification unit for the terminal in Klaipeda (Lithuania). The supplier of gas to Swinoujscie’s terminal is Qatar Gas. Klaipeda will be supplied with gas from Statoil, at least for the following 5 years – the length of the current supply contract.

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Wednesday, 2 December 2015

COP21: Prime Minister Beata Szydlo at the inauguration of the climate summit in Paris

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Prime Minister Beat Szydlo in Paris

Polish Prime Minister, Beata Szydlo, took part in Monday's inauguration of the COP21, gave the negotiators a mandate to develop a concrete solutions in the text climate agreement. 

She opened her speech with the reference to the attacks that took place in Paris in November, expanding its meaning to universal value of security; she said:

“It is important that we work in solidarity on key issues and make sure that all people feel safe and able to calmly think about the future “,

 Adding that this also applies to climate protection.

The head of Polish government stressed out that Poland will sign an agreement regarding the limits of the emission of CO2, but under the condition that the interests of Polish economy will be protected. Considering Poland’s heavy economic dependence on the coal exploration industry*, commitment to too restrictive emission guidelines could be not only faced with general social discontent, but also with serious financial consequences for many branches of Polish economy.

For the same reason, Poland has been opposing the emission reduction roadmap in the past. Read about Poland’s statement on the stabilization of European CO2 emission allowances market: click

It is important to remind that Poland already managed the emission reduction tremendously. In comparison to the start level (1988), Poland reduced its emission of CO2 by 30 % with the double increase of GDP (often correlated to GHG emission level).

Concluding her presentation, Prime Minister Szydlo pointed out crucial criteria that should be kept in mind during the negotiations – that “(…) all countries of the world must be involved in climate policy and they have to take responsibility for the changes that will be implemented, in the same time taking into account the interests of individual economies”.

COP21 (United Nations Conference on Climate Change) is the 21st Conference of all countries which want to take action for the climate. This year’s edition will be held in Le Bourget, France, from 30 November to 11 December.

See the website for more details:

*coal exploration industry in itself does not produce high level of emission of CO2; due to the fact that Poland explores coal, it is the cheapest source of energy  which is therefore burned ( on commercial scale in power plants, heat producing plants and heavy industry production plants) and emits carbon dioxide

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Source: PAP/EPA