Sunday, 24 May 2015

Tight gas in Poland - is there potential for an exploration?

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The news media circulated recently that Poland has large deposits of so-called “tight gas” which is easier in the extraction in comparison to shale gas. Bearing in mind the initial enthusiasm and later disappointment about exploration of shale gas, we shall take a closer look at Polish gas market before judging its potential profitability, considering not only the reserves of tight gas but also market environment.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Stabilization reserve for the European CO2 emission allowances market : Polish statement

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Last Tuesday ( May 5,2014) negotiators from the Member States of the EU and the European Parliament agreed upon the creation of  so-called “stabilization reserve” for the European CO2 emission allowances market. The compromise provides that provision (stabilization reserve) will be in force from January 1, 2019. Poland wanted to start this new mechanism a bit later, in 2021 – in line with the proposal of the European Commission.